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Early Career Teachers


The Early Career Development Programme continues following the teacher standards, supporting them to develop and reinforce the skills and confidence needed to flourish in the classroom.  Delivered through a combination of facilitated face to face training and online workshops, it logically follows on from initial teacher training to further develop key teaching practices.

ECTs Year 1

Y1 ECTs delivery model will differ from previous cohorts.  Training sessions will be face to face, during the school day, but there will be fewer of them than in previous cohorts.

Sessions will be held both in The Polesworth School and in The Telford Langley School depending on your location.

ECTs (Year 1) The Polesworth School

Thurs 28 Sept 23    9-12      Induction meeting (ECT)

Thurs 16 Nov 23                    Module 1           9-12

Thurs 18 Jan 24                    Module 2           9-12

Thurs 29 Feb 24                   Module 3.1        9-12

Thurs 25 Apr 24                   Module 3.2        9-12

Thurs 20 June 24                Module 4           9-12


ECTs (Year 1)  The Telford Langley School

Thurs 28 Sept    9-12      Induction meeting (ECT)  Polesworth

13 Nov 23                   Module 1           9-12

16 Jan 24                   Module 2           9-12

28 Feb 24                  Module 3.1        9-12

25 Apr 24                  Module 3.2        9-12

21 June 24                Module 4           9-12


ECTs Year 2

Year 2 continues your progress based on the teacher standards - Y2 sessions continue to be delivered online via Zoom.  Sessions run from 3.30-5.30.  

Dates for your diary are as follows:

w/c 4/9/23 or 11/9/23 Online induction conference delivered by BPN

Thurs 19 October23               Module 6           3.30-5.30               Online via Zoom

Thursday 9 November 23    Module 7          

Wednesday 10 Jan 24           Module 8.1

Thursday 20 Mar 24              Module 8.2

Module 9 (Summer Term) School Visits