Train to Teach Primary
A primary school teacher’s job is never a dull one and changes every day! Once qualified, they can be asked to teach children as young as 4 up to the age of 11. That is Reception to Year 6.
All primary school teachers have the responsibility to plan and teach the whole of the curriculum to their own class. Not only this, but they are always involved with the social, emotional, intellectual, physical and moral development of their pupils.
What does a primary school teacher do?
A primary school teacher's main responsibility during the day is to teach and assess children. However, there are many varied activities that a primary school teacher is responsible for including: developing and fostering appropriate social skills and abilities in children; motivating and inspiring children; maintaining discipline in the classroom; assessing and recording children's progress; keeping up to date with changes and development to the curriculum; raising concerns if they notice issues with a particular child; working with and communicating with parents; taking part in meetings; organising and participating in extra-curricular activities.
Primary school teachers are also expected to take time outside the standard working day to prepare teaching materials and learning resources, mark children's work and attend meetings.